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Accurate measurements and data analytics make you see things you can't see with the human eye. A new instrument for assessing postural control and the risk of falling.

What is iBalance?

We created something unique for older and frail adults, a continuously increasing population. This project shows how health technology really can make a difference in people's daily lives. The iBalance (former instrumented Balance Test) uses infrared-based camera systems for collecting kinematics data to assess balance in a sensor-based way. First validations involved over twenty health professionals and nearly 2000 older adults in the first three years.

Sensor-based insights into the risk of falls

Since the genesis of this project, it is now easy to measure full-body kinematics with an easy-to-use sensor and software. Measurements lead to the development of an algorithm implemented into the software. This software gives users accurate insight into postural control and falls risk in an elderly population. The system is operational within a few minutes of setting up and delivers direct insights for healthcare workers and older adults. The system is used for quick screenings and evaluation of interventions.

Project date: 2016 - ongoing

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